Sunday 20 April 2008

Half Nelson

Half Nelson (106 min)
Seen on the 19th April, 2008

This is a very interesting film dealing with issues of liberties, class and education. The main character, cleverly played and directed by Ryan Fleck, is a high school History teacher. He seems to have chosen to teach less privileged children in a city that reminds the viewer of all and none of the US north industrial cities. He is dealing himself with personal issues of loss and drug addiction that seems to get worse when his ex-girlfriend announces her engagement.

Dan, trapped between his problems and his responsibilities in the high school, develops a highly personal relationship with one of his students. She seems to be a clever and serious girl, but the viewer soon discovers her family is broken, her father is nowhere to be seen and the brothers, one in prison, are drug dealers. A great film where the civil liberties announced in the US are put face to face with a broken (family, class, race) society in contemporary US.

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