Wednesday 26 March 2008

There will be blood

There will be blood (158 min)

Seen on the 1st March 2007

This film is one of the best films I have seen recently. The main character Daniel Plainview is to me a personification of the American dream. Set in the wild west, Daniel throws himself to develop his oil empire. The film goes through several decades from when Daniel discovers his first oil field to when he is old and alone living in his Californian mansion. The film is loosely based on the book "Oil!" by Upton Sinclair.

The film is tense and no much dialogue is said. It is the actions, the intentions that you can read on Daniel's face that make most of the film. Since the film is seen through Daniel's eyes, the feeling of the film is quite strong: Daniel's suffering, fantasies and problems become partly yours. To me, this film depicts quite realistically the building of America as two are the main topics: business and religion.

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