Sunday, 30 March 2008


C.R.A.Z.Y (127 min.)
Seen on the 28th March 2008

CRAZY is a family drama centred around Zac who is the fourth children in a family of seven. His birthday is on the 25th December and his mother always insisted there was something special about him. While growing in 60's Quebec, Canada, Zac felt a particular connection with his father. His mother, insisting on Zac's uniqueness takes him with the neighbourhood medium who tells him he is indeed special and could cure peoples ailments with just wishing for it. An unfortunate series of events with his father leads to a previously strong relationship to fraction.

In his teenage, Zac's life is none the easier as he struggles to find place while being constantly bullied by his older brother Raymond and his father. His own experiences at school are not pleasant either and during his eldest brother's wedding party things finally explode in a misunderstanding. Zac then embarks in a trip of self-discovery which leads him to Jerusalem and his ultimate reunion with his family. It is truly an interesting drama dealing with issues of acceptance and the effects of bullying. The role of religion is highlighted by the director and it does play an important part in Zac's life. A very interesting film.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

The ex

The ex (84 min)
Seen on the 23rd March 2008

There is no much to say about this film except that is trully comical. The main character, Tom Reilly, is struggling to find a job in New York at the same time that his wife is about to deliver their first baby. Difficult times in Manhattan make them move somewhere in the industrial heart of the US: Ohio. Back at her city, the wife finds in her mum and dad a confortable place to be while delivering the child.

Things get more complicated as the job chosen for Tom, by his father in law, turns out to be a very creative job and highly competitive. Tom's direct boss, a disabled but highly dynamic person turns out to be Tom's wife ex. He starts making Tom's life extremelly complicated to the point that he manges to make Tom brake with the wife and fire the father in law who puts Tom there in the first place. A funny film.


Volver (121 min)

Seen on the 20th March 2008.

Volver is a film directed by Almodar, so you probably know what to expect. I liked the film in as much as it is an exaggerated description of the life of women in rural and urban Spain. It deals with issues such as the loss of the mother (by two of the characters) and the return of one of them who, as it turns out, was still living with her mother all this time. There are a few male characters in this film in striking opposition to other Almodovar film: talk to her.

I find the depiction of Spanish character by a Spanish director very illustrating, particularly as Pedro Almodovar is gay and he tries to show how difficult it must have been for him growing in rural Spain under Franco's regime. Volver is a film that feels boring in places and leaves issues unresolved such as the murder of one of the characters. It also deals with strong topics such as child abuse and death. A film not for everyone.

Sin ton ni Sonia

Seen on the 12th March 2008

This is a mexican film dealing with the topic of loss. The main character, Orlando, is thirty something, single, mexican working in the business of dubbing american sensasionalist tv programs. His girlfriend, Sonia, a new age, rich mexican girl is all about finding herself in the spiritual life. Orlando and Sonia could not have had more different ways of life which lead to the braking of the relationship.

Orlando randomly finds an ex-coleague, Renee who is also braking with her thirty something IT boyfriend. The film feels long and deals with current topics. Orlando's performance is not convincing and feels overreacted. The chasing of mama Rosa is another element in the film that glues it together and brings an unexpected ending to the film. I did not like the film very much but it was funny to watch.

There will be blood

There will be blood (158 min)

Seen on the 1st March 2007

This film is one of the best films I have seen recently. The main character Daniel Plainview is to me a personification of the American dream. Set in the wild west, Daniel throws himself to develop his oil empire. The film goes through several decades from when Daniel discovers his first oil field to when he is old and alone living in his Californian mansion. The film is loosely based on the book "Oil!" by Upton Sinclair.

The film is tense and no much dialogue is said. It is the actions, the intentions that you can read on Daniel's face that make most of the film. Since the film is seen through Daniel's eyes, the feeling of the film is quite strong: Daniel's suffering, fantasies and problems become partly yours. To me, this film depicts quite realistically the building of America as two are the main topics: business and religion.